Worship Times



God created the world and still loves all things in it. God’s Word (also called the Bible or the Holy Scriptures) makes it clear that He is on a mission to heal and restore the world!

Since the beginning of time God has come to meet His people, and He still comes to us today. When He gathers His people for worship, that spiritual healing and restoration comes to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (His Son). In worship, God gives us His Word, working to renew our trust in Him through His healing grace in Jesus Christ; He gives us His name and promises through Holy Baptism and Lord’s Supper; He sends us into the world with His blessing to do the things He has called us to do.

In worship God renews us for the daily journey of faith and promises to go out with us. As worshipers we have the opportunity to return back to God our thanks, praise and gifts as a grateful response for all that we have received from him. This discipleship response flows from all that God has first done for us, meeting us “while we were yet sinners.” (Romans 5:8) That means He made the plan for your forgiveness and restoration long before you knew Him or had any desire to live differently. What love!

Would you like to meet with God? Do healing restoration and grace sound like something you could use in your life? Please join us in worship, where God comes to forgive and renew you in Jesus Christ!

Service times:  Sunday mornings (8am&10:30am)   Wednesday  Worship 7pm
